Where are we
We're located in Guntersville, Alabama.
At 1600 Gunter Ave - on the corner of Gunter Ave and Ligon St. about a block south of Kentucky Fried Chicken
with parking directly in front of the shop click here for a map.
If you see the "OPEN flag" someone is there - so stop on by.
Out of town... We will ship
NEED SUPPLIES BUT DON'T WANT TO DRIVE, or live too far away.
Just give us a call at 256-582-8234 or click here
and drop us a note. we'll be happy to check our stock, package your item and ship it to you promptly.
Meet Koda
Koda is the shop dog in training - he's had a haircut and is doing much better with his manners,
though sometimes you wouldn't know it and occasionally he's naughty. He's a bit shy at first but he LOVES
customers, so drop by on Wednesday or Friday and say hi. He'll greet you with a bark and kisses.
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A quick taste of market items....

with little MiniKoda helping us shop

SO much wonderful overdyed fabric - have to make a place to put it
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And...AS ALWAYS monthly page has more featured goodies....
Our newest magnifier Lamp - excellent for close work
Reasonably priced floor lamp that converts to a table lamp and will run on either AC or batteries.

The comfty spot has been rearranged a bit with yarn sale - but there's still plenty of room to sit....

Last five years of market. Had a ball, came home exhausted. Can't wait to do it all over again.
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